New Letters Lodgement Correction Fee (LLCF)

From 3 March 2025, a Letters Lodgement Correction Fee (LLCF) will apply for any mail lodgements without a mailing statement, incorrectly completed lodgement documentation or with incorrectly presented articles.

Based on current lodgements, less than 1% of lodgements should incur the fee. The fee aims only to recover operational costs and there are no margins added.

For missing or incorrect documentation, the fee will be $27.50 (inc GST) per lodgement.

Where preparation does not conform to the applicable service guidelines, the fee will be charged at a rate of $55.00 (inc GST) per hour (or part thereof). 

The fee will be charged to the customer’s account and will appear on the monthly invoice. 

Our Network Operations team will advise customers before raising the fee.

The Lodgement Correction Fee will be applied to mail collected by transport or lodged at bulk lodgement facilities and will not be applied to Retail lodged mail.

This includes Full Rate Mail, Imprint Mail, Clean Mail, PreSort Mail, Charity Mail, Promo Post, Print Post, Registered Post Imprint and Domestic Letter with Tracking Imprint services.

The fee will not apply to the Unaddressed Mail Service.

Clean Mail discontinued   

From 1 July 2025, Clean Mail will be discontinued.

After the service ends, mail previously lodged as Clean Mail can be lodged as PreSort Letters unbarcoded.

PreSort unbarcoded and Clean Mail will continue to be the same price. Customers will need to change tray labels where relevant. 

Customers can now send large sizes as PreSort unbarcoded (previously large sizes were unavailable as Clean Mail) without needing to include it with barcoded mail as part of the lodgement.

Large C4 prepaid envelopes discontinued

From 1 July 2025, Large C4 prepaid envelopes will no longer be available to purchase online but will continue to be available to purchase instore, while stocks last. 

Large C4 prepaid envelopes bought before this date can continue to be lodged with Australia Post after 1 July 2025.

Small DL, medium C5 and large B4 prepaid envelopes will still be available.

Large B4 prepaid envelopes can be used as an alternative to C4 envelopes. B4 envelopes are slightly bigger than C4 by under 3cm (2.9cm x 2.1cm) and are an option for customers wanting to send unfolded A4 documents.  C5 prepaid envelope can also be used for folded A4 documents. 

Customers can also use their own envelope (C4 or another size) and buy stamps or pay for postage.